Power Amanda
9-7-5 reps for time of:
Ring muscle-ups
Power snatches (95/135 lb)
On an 18:00 clock:
12:00 to establish a heavy 5-rep bench press
Rest 3:003:00 max-distance handstand walk
Conditioning challenge:
20:00 to establish max meters on a machine of your choice.
20 walking lunges
20 burpees to a 6-in target
3 rounds for time:
Run 400 m
100 double-unders
10 front squats (155/225 lb)
6 sets for load:
1 snatch pull
1 hang power snatch
1 hang squat snatch
– All hang reps start from above the knee.
2 drop sets:
1 complex at 95%
1 complex at 90%
7 sets:
3 weighted pull-ups
– Rest 1:00-2:00 between sets.
10 sets:
75-ft sled push (50/90 lb)
75-ft sled pull
– Rest 1:00 between sets.
Min 1 | :30 strict toes-to-bars
Min 2 | 5-10 strict ring dips
10 sets for time:
300-meter row
– Rest 1:00 between sets.