EMOM 12:
Odd min | 2 legless rope climbs
Even min | Max-reps devils presses (20/35 lb)
For time:
800-m run
36 dumbbell front rack lunges (35/50 lb)
600-m run
24 dumbbell front rack lunges
400-m run
12 dumbbell front rack lunges
200-m run
– Use two DBs.
5 rounds:
:30 row
:30 push-ups
Rest 2:00
– Score is total calories and push-up reps.
6 rounds for time:
9 hang squat cleans (105/155 lb)
6 bar muscle-ups
For time:
80 DB box step-ups (20/24 in) (35/50 lb)
– Every minute on the minute, starting at :00, perform 20 double-unders.
– Use two dumbbells.
AMRAP 24 with a partner:
24 Russian KB swings (53/70 lb)
12 handstand push-ups
200-m farmers carry
– Share work load as desired.
– Use two KBs for the farmers carry; go out together and trade as needed.